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Woman Facing Away



Do you tend to overshare, letting others into your personal life easily? Find yourself accepting repeated apologies for the same offenses, in the same relationships? Or do you keep others at a distance and avoid commitment on a deeper level? Do you struggle to ask for help, if at all? 

Maybe you're both, or neither, or swing between the two depending on the person, the circumstance, the day. Maintaining boundaries is a tough skill to master.

During this workshop, we'll explore boundary-setting behaviors, complete a self-assessment and identify one boundary behavior you'd like to improve. We'll tie it together by learning how to communicate this boundary assertively and compassionately. 


90 min | North Franklin | $75



Hilary Clark is a certified coach, mediator and facilitator and founded Into the Woods with a simple mission: to give you the tools, support and guidance to accept yourself just as you are and believe in your ability to become the best version of you.

A Trauma and PTSD survivor, Hilary walks a path of mental and emotional strength through intentional daily practice, utilizing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and a variety of tools to navigate life's challenges.

Workshop Sign Up

Boundary Strong

Please fill out the interest form below and Hilary will be in touch within 24 hours to complete your registration.

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