Let's Connect

Hi Friend,
I'm Hilary.
I'm going to jump right in.
I spent over a decade getting it done at Stanford University—coaching, facilitating, teaching—and I loved it. But one thing stuck with me: every woman I worked with shared the same story. No matter what she did, it never felt like enough. As a trauma and PTSD survivor, I get it. I know what it’s like to lose your sense of self-worth. But I also know how to take it back.
In 2023, I hit my limit and walked away. (Yep, just like that.) And then Into the Woods was born—my dream of a safe space for women. A private sanctuary where we can reconnect with nature, learn to love ourselves, and reclaim our self-worth.
Now I invite you. Come be seen and heard. Learn what you wish they’d taught you in school. Find the courage to put it into practice.
Oh, and you won’t be alone. I’ll be right beside you. Every. Single. Step.